
Look through the menu list on the left to see our range of fruit and vegetable recipes. If there is one main ingredient it will be listed under the name of the fruit or vegetable, but some are listed under ‘mixed fruit’ or ‘mixed vegetable’.

What is the best bit about growing your own fruit and veg? Eating it!

Sitting round the table hearing people say ‘Wow, it tastes so much better than from the supermarket.’ is one of the pleasures of gardening. I also enjoy eating fruit fresh from the garden and freshly dug, raw carrots. I could go on, but you get the idea.

There are lots of ways of  enjoying the health and taste benefits of really fresh vegetables and fruit. We have selected a number of timeless recipes that are a  good way of using your home grown fruit and veg.

Sometimes you can get such a large crop that you don’t know what to do with it all. Many of our recipes can be frozen

Check back for more recipes as we add new ones to the site.

Some of the recipes are healthy eating recipes while others are a bit more naughty, ideal for showing off your home grown produce when friends come to dinner.

Don’t forget the herbs. Fresh herbs can give a recipe a real boost, adding much more flavour than dried herbs.