Garden Tasks in February

Work in the garden in February is very much dependant on the weather. Use your common sense when deciding what to do. If it feels like the middle of a Siberian winter then ignore the calendar and wait till the weather warms up a bit. Sowing & Transplanting If you want to grow alpine strawberries […]

Garden Tasks in April

It’s going to be a busy month in the garden. Sowing & Transplanting Outside: Broad beans, beetroot, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, calabrese, carrots, cauliflower, celery, coriander, lettuce, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, mange tout, potatoes, radish,  spinach, swiss chard, turnip.

Garden Tasks in March

Spring at last and it’s time to get out in the garden again. Sowing & Transplanting Outside: Broad beans, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, calabrese,

Garden Tasks in January

Now is the time to plan for success. What grew well last year? What didn’t do so well? All this will feed into the decisions you need to make now. The seed catalogues should have landed on your doormat by now, so make the most of the cold weather and do some armchair gardening. If […]

Garden Tasks in November

November is a time to sieze the moment. If it’s sunny get out in the garden and get as much as possible done, the weather can turn very quickly! It’s heartbreaking to lose tender plants by failing to bring them indoors before the first frosts.

Garden Tasks in May

Pest Control If you haven’t started using biological controls yet then now is the time to buy them. The soil is now warm enough to use slug nematodes, vine weevil nematodes and ant nematodes.

Garden Tasks in August

Pest Control Keep birds off ripening fruit with colourful windmills, streamers and even old CDs strung from string to sparkle in sunlight. Apply Vine Weevil nematodes to container grown plants. Vine weevils damage plant roots and cause the plant to suddenly die. Prevention is essential. Sowing Now Seeds Suitable to Sow Outside: cauliflower, lettuce, onions, […]